Elena Malofeeva, Ph.D.


Ph.D. University of Notre Dame, 2005

Degrees: Developmental Psychology

Counseling Psychology (APA-Approved)

Quantitative Psychology (Minor)

M.A. University of Notre Dame, 1999

Degrees: Developmental Psychology

Counseling Psychology (APA-Approved)

M.A./B.A Chuvash State Pedagogical University, Russia 1991-1996

Majors: Psychology and English

Minor: German


Jacobs Foundation, Young Scholars Grant, 2008

Training Grant, Spencer Foundation, 2006

Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts Grant, University of Notre Dame, Summer 2004

Dissertation Fellowship, Psychology Department, University of Notre Dame, 2001-2002 & 2002-2003

Graduate School Grant, University of Notre Dame, Summers 2002 & 2003


Argus Independent Review Board 2013-present

Vice President for Membership and Communication, Governing Board of the Arizona Association for the Education of Young Children (AzAEYC) 2013-present

Member-at-Large, Governing Board of the Arizona Association for the Education of Young Children (AzAEYC) 2012-2013

Research and Consultation Experience

Vice President/Senior Director of Research, 2012- present Evaluation Strategies, Ypsilanti, MI & Tucson, Arizona

Work with various organizations and agencies to design and implement all aspects of evaluation. Provide evaluation and research services, strategic planning, survey design and administration, and proposal writing. Data analyses, report writing, training, and dissemination.

Senior Evaluation Associate, 2010- 2012, LeCroy & Milligan Associates, Tucson, Arizona

Clinical Experiences

Licensed Psychologist, 2012 – present, Tucson Counseling, Tucson, AZ

Psychologist, 2008-2009, Catholic Social Services, Ann Arbor, MI 

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